Sonraí Teicniúla

Tá muid ag déanamh forbairt ar an leathanach seo.

  • Proscenium Arch [Width 9.6m Height 3.6m] 

    Maximum Stage Area 10.5m wide by 6.7m deep

    Stage area with standard rear and side masking approximately 6m wide by 6m deep.

    148 Seats(raked). 2 seats will be removed in the case of a wheelchair being present, thus reducing the maximum capacity by 1. In this instance seats A1 and A2 will be removed. We ask that in cases where seating is allocated that these seats be held till certain no audience members requiring wheelchair space will be attending the event.

    Fly Gallery at stage left accessible by wall mounted ladder 

    3 Discharge flood lights and 2 Fluorescents wall mounted for stage work[switched from stage left]. 

    Stage left and stage right independently accessible from Green Room.

    Green Room consists of one central communal area with kitchen facilities, and two dressing rooms adjoining, with toilet and shower in each. 

    Access to Green Room from Foyer, stage left and stage right.

    Video Monitoring – FoH proscenium mounted microphone, and ceiling mounted CCTV camera, relayed to Green Room LG monitor.

  • 1 Grand drape/Main curtains motorised winch operated from stage right and/or control room 

    8 Side masking curtains (Legs) 1.5m x 5m tied to swivel actions 

    4 Overhead masking borders 8m x 1.5m 

    1 Pair of intermediate trailer curtains 

    1 Sky Drop (Cyc) finished white

  • Lighting Console:
    ETC Element.

    94 Circuits on 4x 24 channel Chilli Pro Dimmers

    Stage Lighting Circuits 16amp C17 Sockets

    5 FoH Lx Lighting Bars:

    FoH 1 channels 1 – 12 [electrical winch]

    FoH 2 channels 13 – 18 [fixed]

    FoH 3 channels 19 – 24 [fixed]

    Horizontal Boom to Stage Left: Channels 25 – 30 (Fixed)

    Horizontal Boom to Stage Right: Channels 31 – 36 (Fixed)

    4 Lx (fly) Bars: [Electrical winch operated from stage]

    Lx1: channels 37 – 48

    Lx2: channels 49 – 60

    Lx3: channels 61 – 72

    Lx4: channels 73 – 84

    Stage Circuits Independent of Lx Bars:

    Stage Right:
    3 low level wall mounted sockets (92/93/94)
    2 high level wall mounted sockets (90/91)

    Stage Left:
    3 low level wall mounted sockets (87/88/89)
    2 high (fly gantry) rail mounted sockets (85/86)

    Lantern Stock

    10 ETC Lustre Series 2 LED / with Fresnel Lens & Barn Doors

    10 ETC Source 4 - Zoom Lens 25-50 degree

    4 ETC Source 4 – Zoom Lens 15-30 degree

    3 ETC Source 4 – Fixed Lens 26 degree

    1 ETC Source 4 – Fixed Lens 50 degree

    20 Par 64’s

    8 Strand Coda 1000 backdrop/Cyc lights

    6 Strand Cantata F Spotlights

    4 Strand Quartet F Spotlights

  • Contact our Technical Manager Jay at for an up to date Audio Tech Spec.